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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Darwis Triadi

I like photography (you know that already, I believe). I realize that I love photography when I joined a workshop with a master in photography, the one and only “Darwis Triadi”. At that time, I decided that photography is the second best thing human inventions after…. ice cream! hehehehe

I remember very well when Darwis said “ You can be a great photographer only with your pocket camera” (the digital one, of course). He said that photography is about having the sense of capturing life into pictures. I was very enthusiastic during the workshop, knowing that I didn’t need great ( and usually expensive) cameras.

Soon I realized that when I wanted to put theory into practice, there is one missing element called “skill” (which is needed to be acquired), in order to get good results. To put a theory into practice is a never ending process for any body, not just me.

Back to the workshop. I got a special doorprize at that time. It was an instant-printed photo by Darwis Triadi (with his autograph, of course). The photo was taken early during the workshop with a life-model wearing an extravaganza Kebaya. Darwis took several extraordinary pictures in seconds. He spelled less than three sentences to direct the model. And there you go…the magic happened. That’s what made the photo so special to me. I was there during the process, observing.

With this experience, I concluded that, yes, every one can be a photographer. But to be a master in photography, we need practice, opportunity, talent and blessings…lotsa blessings!


Anonymous said...

So, you are take the miss erna slept picture?
oh,miss metti if you like photography,
take the good picture, don't bad picture.

adriel felix silvan sulistio
7C 1

Anonymous said...

I'm like photography because it's good for me and Darwis Triadi is a professional photographer.

Yoshua W.S
8B / 28

georgius kevin said...

oh,hear felix said,he crazy.i thing you have a nice hobbies,good luck for your hobbies

Anonymous said...

I like Photography too. It's so happy if can meet and join a workshop with a master photography and that is "Darwis Triadi" wow... is so cool.If me can meet Darwis Triadi,i will very-very happy because can meet one person does popular in photography.But i never meet him.So my comment is meet Darwis Triadi in a workshop is so cool because can study photography and can meet the master in photography.(Grace Kalpika Taruli Siagian 7d/12 SMPKKK)

Anonymous said... workshop, i think the workshop must be interesting...
i think photography is not just about taking a picture with need feeling in the picture which make people who watch it feel something.
i absolutely agre with miss metty, photograpphy need great talent and passion.
i think im not into photography^^
bravo darwis...

name: andy christian
class: 7E
number: 2

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